Saturday, March 8, 2008

Upcoming Community Events


There are several upcoming meetings in Sunset Park and we at
SPAN would really like to see many of you, who have been
working with us on zoning and other issues, present and
participating in these discussions. Also, please spread the
word. Hope to see many of you at some of these meetings:

Congestion Pricing/PlaNYC:

Proposal & Impact on Sunset Park

Monday, March 10, 2008

6:30 PM

Office of Community Board 7

4201 4th Avenue

Entrance on 43rd Street

Dept. of City Planning Study

On Sunset Park Zoning

Thursday, March 13, 2008

6:30 PM

Office of Community Board 7

4201 4th Avenue

Entrance on 43rd Street

Sunset Park Alliance of Neighbors (SPAN)

Open Community Meeting

Saturday, March 22, 2008

10:30 am

Trinity Lutheran Church, 46th St. Fourth Ave.

USPowerGen (the company building additional

power plants on the Sunset Park waterfront)

AGC is planning to host another I

Informational meeting

Thursday, April 3, 2008


PS 24 in Sunset Park

38th Street and Fourth Ave.